The Icon Bar

The icon bar appears directly under the menu bar in the Control area. If you hold your mouse over an icon, a tooltip appears with the icon's name. If the icon's function is not available, the icon is grayed out. For example, when you first open a project, the Undo and Redo icons are grayed out because there not yet any commands to undo or redo.

The icons in the icon bar are:

Icon Icon Name Icon Function
New/Open Project Opens the Project Set-Up Wizard so that you can create a new project or open an existing project.
Save Project Saves the changes you have made to the current project.
Undo Undoes the previous command.
Redo Redoes the previous command.
Track Time Shows or hides the Track Time button and the tracked time spent on the current project (both in the Control area).
Application Database Configuration Opens the Application Set-Up Wizard.
Set Graphical Options Opens the Set Graphical Options dialog, which allows you set certain options for displaying assemblies. Only available if you are at the Assembly Level.
Insert Assembly Creates a new assembly in the current project. Only available if you are at the Project level.
Insert Board Creates a new board in the current assembly. Only available if you are at the Assembly Level.
Insert Hardware Creates a new piece of hardware in the current assembly. Only available if you are at the Assembly Level.
Insert Door Creates a new door in the current assembly. Only available if you are at the Assembly Level.
Insert Drawer Creates a new drawer in the current assembly. Only available if you are at the Assembly Level.

Depending on your level, you may see additional icons in the icon bar.

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The Control Area