Woodworking Software

Take your designs to the next level with the all-in-one woodworking software that will transform the way you work. Whether you’re a seasoned professional woodworker with your own business or a casual hobbyist producing DIY woodworking projects, SketchList 3D gives you the tools you need to build stunning pieces quickly and affordably.

Choose the SketchList 3D Plan that best fits your needs.


SketchList 3D V5 Hobby

(Limited time offer)

$250.00 $200.00

SketchList 3D Hobby is perfect for the casual user of woodworking design software. All design capabilities found in SketchList 3D Pro are included in this version. Note that there are limitations to the number of features and reports Hobby users can access.

  • Full-Design Capability

  • 2 Perspective Views

  • 10 Library Objects Limit

  • Joinery (2 types)


  • Contours (2 types)

    Round over

  • Cut List

  • Shop Drawings

  • 2 Grain Types

  • Part List Generator

  • Import Images

  • Purchase List Report

  • Optimized Material Layout Diagrams

  • Export Data to Spreadsheet Format

  • Photo Rendering of Files

  • Export to CNC

  • Adobe PDF 3D Report

  • 1 Key

  • Email Support


SketchList 3D V5 Pro

(Limited time offer)

$875.00 $850.00

SketchList 3D Pro is designed for professional woodworkers, woodcraft businesses, and high-end home craftsmen and women. Its advanced features, utilities, and capabilities will save you time, reduce expenses, and make you much more productive overall. Use the reports, lists, spreadsheets, and 3D renderings to generate proposals to assist you in selling your work.

  • Full-Design Capability

  • 2 Perspective Views

  • 10 Library Objects Limit

  • Joinery (5 types)


  • Contours (6 types)

    Round over
    V Grove
    Bull Nose
    Roman (Ogee)

  • Cut List

  • Shop Drawings

  • 2 Grain Types

  • Part List Generator

  • Import Images

  • Purchase List Report

  • Optimized Material Layout Diagrams

  • Export Data to Spreadsheet Format

  • Photo Rendering of Files

  • Export to CNC

  • Adobe PDF 3D Report

  • 1 Key

  • Email Support

You are steps away from improving your woodworking experience. You’ve done your research, tried the trial version, and perhaps even attended a weekly user meeting. Now it’s time to act. When you do, you will move better designs, less frustration, and more productivity.

We will email you your unlock key and download link when we receive your order. 

Check your spam or junk folders if you don’t see the email.

  1. Go to the shopping cart and pay for your order.
  2. We will send you an email with more information.
  3. Download to your download folder.
  4. Install. 
  5. Enter the key.

“I have wished for something like SketchList all my woodworking life! It is the most incredible product, and I absolutely love it! I will be making projects I never would have attempted because of all the drawing and paper designing I would have had to go through.”

Time Period Payments Monthly Equivalent Savings for a time commitment I want to buy now
One Year
Two Years

The subscription will automatically renew each period – monthly, each year, or every two years. You can cancel at any time. Because this is a digital product there are no returns or refunds.

Choose the SketchList 3D Plan that best fits your needs.

Subscriptions are for access to either one month or one year of SketchList 3D V5, depending on your selection. Subscriptions will automatically renew unless cancelled.


SketchList 3D V5 Hobby

Monthly Subscription

$49.00 $39.00

One month license to ease into the software (license automatically renews after one month unless cancelled).

SketchList 3D Hobby is perfect for the casual user of woodworking design software. All design capabilities found in SketchList 3D Pro are included in this version. Note that there are limitations to the number of features and reports Hobby users can access.


SketchList 3D V5 Pro

Monthly Subscription

$99.00 $79.00

One month license to ease into the software (license automatically renews after one month unless cancelled).

SketchList 3D Pro is designed for professional woodworkers, woodcraft businesses, and high-end home craftsmen and women. Its advanced features, utilities, and capabilities will save you time, reduce expenses, and make you much more productive overall. Use the reports, lists, spreadsheets, and 3D renderings to generate proposals to assist you in selling your work.


SketchList 3D V5 Hobby

Yearly Subscription

$125.00 $100.00

One year license if you have multiple larger projects to design (license automatically renews after one year unless cancelled).

SketchList 3D Hobby is perfect for the casual user of woodworking design software. All design capabilities found in SketchList 3D Pro are included in this version. Note that there are limitations to the number of features and reports Hobby users can access.


SketchList 3D V5 Pro

Yearly Subscription

$500.00 $425.00

One year license if you have multiple larger projects to design (license automatically renews after one year unless cancelled).

SketchList 3D Pro is designed for professional woodworkers, woodcraft businesses, and high-end home craftsmen and women. Its advanced features, utilities, and capabilities will save you time, reduce expenses, and make you much more productive overall. Use the reports, lists, spreadsheets, and 3D renderings to generate proposals to assist you in selling your work.

Maintenance is included with subscription plans.

If you made a one-time purchase and want to continue receiving updates for your legacy software, bug fixes, and support, you can purchase that here.

Of course, you may continue to use SketchList 3D without a maintenance plan. When your maintenance terminates, you will have access to the current version when your maintenance plan ends. You can also access the user portal to download installs and make keys. Please note that you cannot access updates, bug fixes, or support without a maintenance plan.

$69.99 gets you updates, bug fixes, and technical support.

$124.99 gets you updates, bug fixes, and technical support.

60 Minute Online Training/Consulting With An Expert

This is a one hour online meeting. You will be one on one with SketchList 3D developer or tech support person who can answer any question. People take advantage of this offer to speed learning, present specific design ideas and questions, and get moving on their designs.

The cose for the hour is only $120.00. After we receive payment we will contact you and arrange a time to meet.

The features in SketchList 3D are woodworking specific. You can create and insert boards, add shapes, contours and joinery with a few mouse clicks. With these built in tools you can quickly go from idea to cut lists and out to the shop.

  • Full-Design Capability

  • Joinery (5 types)


  • Contours (6 types)

    Round over
    V Grove
    Bull Nose
    Roman (Ogee)

  • Cut List

  • Shop Drawings

  • 10+ Grain Types

  • Part List Generator

  • Import Images

  • Purchase List Report

  • Optimized Material Layout Diagrams

  • Export Data to Spreadsheet Format

  • Photo Rendering of Files

  • DXF for CNC importing

  • Adobe PDF 3D Report

  • Live Support

SketchList 3D V5

Inspired by feedback from our loyal users, on March 2021, SketchList 3D released its most user-friendly and advanced software version to date. Because of this, from March 2021 on, only Version 5 (Hobby and Pro) is currently available for purchase. While our V4 users are more than welcome to continue using V4, by popular demand, you can upgrade your V4 Pro or Hobby version to V5 at a heavily-discounted rate. Get ready to take your woodworking to the next level!

So, what makes Version 5 unique?


Upgrade from V4
Pro to SketchList 3D Pro V5


*comes with 2 user keys

When purchasing this version, as a current V4 Pro user, you will receive a new download link of the updated SketchList 3D Pro V5 product that runs on Mac Catalina or Windows.


Upgrade from V4
Hobby to SketchList 3D Hobby V5


When purchasing this version, as a current V5 Hobby user, you will receive a new download link to the updated SketchList 3D Hobby V5 for Mac or Windows.


Upgrade from V4
Hobby to SketchList 3D Pro V5


When purchasing this version, as a current V4 Hobby user, you will receive a new download link to the updated SketchList 3D Pro V5 for Mac or Windows.

*Discounted from $650 for an instant savings of $50.


Upgrade from V5
Hobby to SketchList 3D Pro V5


When purchasing this version, as a current V5 Hobby user, you will receive a new download link to the updated SketchList 3D Pro V5 for Mac or Windows.

Our Pricing for SketchList 3D
Full function design, optimizer and reports.

Length of term 1 Month 12 Months 24 Months
You pay each term
Monthly equivalent
$ 49.99
Pick one for you




12 and 24 Month plans are paid in full when you purchase.
All plans include free maintenance for the plan period.
There are no refunds or returns once the payment is accepted.


Comprehensive Guidence

Whether you run into a roadblock on a complex design or just need some guidance from an expert, contact us anytime. We are here to help you succeed as a professional woodworker or ambitious hobbyist.

SketchList customer service never fails to amaze me.