Cabinet Design Software Enables Face Frame Placement
How to place face frames on your case work.
Had an good online training session Saturday morning with a few SketchList 3D users. Covered placing objects and moved onto joinery – dado placement on board surfaces. One user wrote in that it helped him along and still had a question on face frames.
So here is a video on using the cabinet making software for putting frames onto your case work. It is basically a matter of placing – in this case – five boards on the front. Remember the ‘back’ value of the frame must equal the ‘front’ value of the case boards! In addition you use the FLAT orientation for frames – since you are looking at the assembly from the front and want to see the rail or stile surface and not its edge. Grain direction – usually – is width for rails and height for stiles. Match up the various lefts and rights, tops and bottom and you will be all set.
What I forgot! Of course you can contour the corners of the frames and / or miter them as well. They are just like any other board in SketchList 3D.