
Customer Set-Up

Customer Set-Up

Select Customer from List

Customers are the hierarchical level above projects.   Projects belong to customers.  In a business environment it is usually clear what a customer is.  But in the case of SketchList 3D - if you are not interested in placing customer information on reports or saving projects by customer grouping, you can use this category as another save and find filter.  For example a customer maybe '2013', or 'church work', or anything else you want.
You need not enter a customer and use the default customer 'demo'
CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION - deleting a customer deletes that customers projects.  Think twice and have a backup.

Create New Customer

Click this button and a new customer is created.  The textboxes will accept the information you type in.  When finished click the Save customer button.


Prints all information for the selected customer.


Copies all information for the selected customer to the computer clipboard so you can paste it as needed.
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