
Main Level Icons

Main Level Icons

File Functions


Save Work


Undo / Redo Changes


Start / Stop Recording Design Time


Measure from Assembly / Project Point of Origin

Everything is located within SketchList 3D by the point of origin for the project.
The point of origin is that point where the left most, bottom most, front most value is zero. 
The point of origin of the project is the leftmost, bottom most, front most corner.  Everything in a SketchList 3D project is located with reference to that corner.
The point of origin of the assembly is the leftmost, bottom most, front most corner.  Assemblies in a sketch list project are located with reference to distances
from the point of origin of a given assembly and the point of origin of the project.
It's really much simpler than that sounds.  Perhaps it would be easier to watch the video. 

Create 3D Moving PDF


Photo Realistic 3D Image


Change Materials Used in Project or Assembly

8. Change Materials Used in Project or Assembly
There are times when you want to change materials for multiple boards within a project or an assembly.  If there are a small number of changes to be made you can select the boards and change them one at a time.  For many boards use the change materials function.
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