These are a set of forms that display and allow changing of values for a single object. You can also operate on the object.
The form that is available depends on the level in which you are working at that time.
If you select an assembly, then the assembly level form is displayed.
If you select a board, then the board level form is displayed.
Object Name
Can be entered or edited. SketchList 3D creates a defual name for every object entered. However it is important to enter your own names for clarity. For example it is better to have a door name like 'low left door' than door01.
Allows you to enter and change the sizes and locations of objects. Watch this video. It is critical for your use of SketchList 3D.
You can enter notes for any object. They will appear in various reports as you choose.
Functions Buttons
The functions available in any give form depend upon the object selected.